Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Making Dataset with Two tables from two dataset

sqlStr = "select EventID as EventID,EventName as EventName from EventsAutoTweet";
Ds = objConAT.SelectDataset(sqlStr, "EventTable");
//Ds.Tables[0].TableName = "EventTable";
sqlStr = "select * from StoryStructure";
DataSet Ds2 = objConAT.SelectDataset(sqlStr, "StoryStructure")
Ds.Tables.Add( Ds2.Tables[0].Copy());

copy DataColumn to string Array

Step to copy the DataColumn values to string array.

string[] rowValuesForColumn = Array.ConvertAll<DataRow, string>(dsURLs.Tables[0].Select(), delegate(DataRow row) { return (string)row["feedURL"]; });